
Common Sexual Health Problems

  • Sri Kalyan
  • 2023-12-23 12:13:57

sexual health and its impact on one's life 

Sexual health and wellness is defined as a state of physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions in relation to sexuality. Sexual intimacy has always been stigmatised and people are not willing to talk about their sexuality openly.

Sexual disorders can be related to desire, arousal, orgasm, and painful sexual intercourse.

Common Sexual Health Problems


"Erectile Dysfunction is the most common male sexual problem"

According to a study 2017 by Department of Urology,Tulane University School of Medical Science, New Oreleons 20 % of men across all age groups battle for Erectile Dysfunction in India & 30 % of them are younger than 40.

Other problems are Premature ejaculation, Delayed ejaculation, nocturnal emission, Dhat syndrome, performance anxiety and loss of libido or sex drive.


What Does Ayurveda Concept on Sexual Health?

The healthy life has three main pillars-a balanced diet, proper sleep and a healthy sex and marital life.

(Charaka Samhita, Sutra Sthana 11/35).

Ayurveda unveils its three potent pillars for robust well-being maintaining a balanced diet to nourish the body, ensuring proper sleep for physical and mental well-being, and fostering a healthy sex and marital life for emotional fulfilment. Together, these pillars contribute to overall health and vitality.
The Ayurveda also frequently referred as ‘Ashtanga Ayurveda’ as it has eight parts and the great scientific scripture has properly given the importance to the sex health in detail. Vajikarana is one of the eight specialities of Ashtang Ayurveda dealing with the management healthy sex life.

VAJIKARAN - Vajikarana or Vrishya chikitsa is the process to  promote the strength and Vigor to inhance the sex drive and libido. In Sanskrit, Vaji means horse, the symbol of sexual potency and performance thus Vajikaran means producing a horse's stamina and power.As per Charak Samhita

Meaning - By proper use of these formulations, one becomes endowed with good physique, potency, strength, complexion and sexually exhilarated and potent like an 8-year-old horse.


Our Approach

At SriKalyan Ayurveda we incorporated the ancient art of Ayurveda with modern science. Our initial approach is simply to understand your problem. Our specialized range of formulations crafted for a vibrant and fulfilling sex life. Rooted in the profound wisdom of Vajikarana, our products are proportionally formulated using potent ingredients such as Ashwagandha and Shilajit. These time-honoured herbs, celebrated in Ayurveda, synergize to enhance vitality and promote overall health. Embrace the richness of tradition with Sri Kalyan Ayurveda – your partner in the journey to a healthier, more vibrant life.

  • Amaze-x capluse 
  • Amaze-x oil 
  • Amaze-x Powder
  • kamzen tablet 
  • kamzen tube

These Products are effective in treating the issues., Klaibya or Erectile dysfunctions, Bandhyatva or Infertility, premature ejaculation,organ size and timing.

Who should not consume these products?

Males below 17 years of age and more than 70 years of age should not consume any of the product.

A few more tips to be followed for better results:

  1. Exercise: Regular exercise is known to boost your libido levels, as it keeps you stress free. Stress is a known cause for low libido levels; it can also lead to problems such as erectile dysfunction. Exercise is one of the best ways to let off steam and enjoy a good round of sexual intercourse.
  2. Food: A healthy diet is the key to a healthy body that surely means enhanced libido levels. Include foods such as fruits and vegetables in your diet as they are rich in Vitamins and minerals which are essential for a healthy body.
  3. Herbs: Consumption of herbs such as basil and garlic on a regular basis helps in enhancing the circulation of blood in the body. It also helps in combating stress related issues which could be limiting your libido.
  4. Meditation: Meditation and sex are closely interlinked; the entire idea behind meditation is to increase your awareness. Once you manage to increase your awareness levels, your sexual performance levels also receive a boost.